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Now, the invention, which has been called CRTEF (Controllable Rubber Trailing Edge Flap), has been tested in a wind tunnel with promising results.

For some years, the Wind Energy Division at Risø DTU in Denmark has been working to develop a method for controlling the loads on large wind turbine blades using a flexible trailing edge made of an elastic material which can be controlled by means of compressed air or hydraulics. Now, the invention, which has been called CRTEF (Controllable Rubber Trailing Edge Flap), has been tested in a wind tunnel with promising results.

More on this article: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100217093654.htm

Source: Science Daily / University of Toronto

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*2024 AWARD WINNER* Websites & Mobile Sites, Webby Winner, Peoples Voice 2024

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