Two new gas-fired power stations proposed under the New South Wales Government Energy Reform Strategy
Environmental assessments (EA) have been submitted to the New South Wales Department of Planning for two new gas-fired power stations proposed under the New South Wales Government Energy Reform Strategy at Mount Piper near Lithgow, and Bayswater near Muswellbrook.
The proposed Mount Piper extension includes the possible installation of combined-cycle gas turbines (CCGT) or additional coal-fired steam turbines, to be operated by Delta Electricity, which would increase electricity production from 1,400 MW to 2,000 MW.
In its EA, Delta Electricity said that CCGT technology is commercially available and well proven, with possible gas supplies to be piped from New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria through the construction of a proposed lateral pipeline to join APA Group’s Moomba – Sydney Gas Pipeline. The pipeline would run from Young and follow the existing gas supply pipeline alignment between Young and Lithgow.
Macquarie Generation has proposed to expand the capacity of the Bayswater-Liddell Power Station complex with the construction of the Bayswater B plant, which is expected to produce a further 2,000 MW of electricity, utilising either gas or coal-fired technology.
If CCGT technology is used, gas would be supplied from a 15 km spur from the proposed 820 km Queensland Hunter Gas Pipeline, which is to run north of the Bayswater B plant.
Macquarie Generation’s application also provides for inclusion of carbon capture and storage facilities in the plant’s final design.
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