Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, January 08, 2020 – Jumada Al-Awwal 13, 1441: The Renewable Energy Project Development Office of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Energy has issued the request for qualifications (RFQ) for Round Three of the Kingdom’s National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) which is comprised of four Solar PV projects with a combined generation capacity of 1,200 MW.
Round Three projects will be divided into two categories: “Category A” which target smaller companies, includes Layla 80 MW solar PV and Wadi Al Dawaser 120 MW solar PV projects, while “Category B” includes Saad 300 MW solar PV and Ar Rass 700 MW solar PV projects.
Eng. Faisal Alyemni, Head of Renewable Energy Projects Development Office stated that projects within Round Three will carry a minimum requirement of 17% local content as calculated by the mechanisms defined by the Local Content & Government Procurement Authority, which aims to increase the value-added contribution of products and services in the national economy.
Launched in 2017, REPDO tendered the first round of renewable energy projects which included Sakaka 300 MW solar PV project, now connected to the national electricity grid, and Dumat Al Jandal 400 MW wind project, currently under construction.
On July 18th 2019, REPDO launched Round Two of the NREP which comprised of six solar PV projects amounting to 1,470 MW. The deadline for receiving proposals for Round Two projects will be on January 20th 2020 and February 3rd 2020 for categories B and A respectively.
The RFQ window for the Round Three projects closes on February 06, 2020, when deadline for Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) submissions occurs. Prospective bidders can access RFQ documents through the program’s dedicated procurement portal at:
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