Lively interest in the 1st ISOVOLTAIC Technical Conference in Shanghai
Lebring, Oct. 21st, 2013
Quality and reliability of PV-systems and modules strongly depend on the quality of every single component and determine the lifetime performance of PV-Installations. On October 17th, 2013 independent technical experts from leading European testing institutes and companies shared their know-how and experience around these topics with representatives of the most important module manufacturers in China. The visitors of this conference learned about existing and new standards for PV-systems and about the criteria for quality, reliability and performance of PV–modules with special focus on encapsulation and protection of the solar cell.
The quality of backsheets and encapsulating material is essential for the performance of solar modules. As world technology leader ISOVOLTAIC applies high quality and safety standards when it comes to the development and production of backsheets and encapsulants. The experience of more than 25 years forms the basis of the innovative product pipeline that will again cover future requirements and technologies.
The high level program:
- Quality of PV Power Plants – Technical Bankability, Technical Requirements and Exemplary Experience, Jonas BRUECKNER, Project Manager Renewable Energies, VDE, Germany
- High Power Module with Excellent Life Time Reliability, Norbert LENCK, PV-Consultant, former Head of Material Technology at SCHOTT Solar AG, Germany
- PV Components and Modules: New Standards, New Requirements, New Test Methods – do they affect the Quality?, Guido VOLBERG, Director Technical Competence Center PV-Components, TÜV-Rheinland, Germany
- Quality Control and Reliability Testing of Polymeric PV Module Component, Gernot ORESKI, Senior Researcher, Polymer Competence Center Leoben (PCCL), Austria
- New Components for High Quality PV-Modules, Werner Krumlacher, VP Research & Development and Andreas Steiner, Head of Application & Process Engineering, ISOVOLTAIC AG, Austria
ISOVOLTAIC AG is a global market and technology leader for the development and production of backsheets, a key component of photovoltaic modules. ICOSOLAR® backsheets and encapsulation films provide long-term protection for solar cells and they reliably ensure that sunlight can be efficiently converted into usable energy. Products are sold mainly to large solar module manufacturers in Europe and Asia.
ISOVOLTAIC AG with its headquarters in Lebring near Graz in Austria has over 25 years of experience in the production of high-quality composite protective films for solar cells. The company’s key skills, including research & development and production, are focused in Lebring. With 3 subsidiaries in China, which concentrate on market development, sales and final production close to the customer, ISOVOLTAIC is positioned very strongly in the middle of the Asiatic region which is so very important for the photovoltaic market.
The company is managed by Thomas E. Rossegger, CEO and Manfred Schlögl, CTO.
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