Honda is pushing ahead with its plans to begin mass-production of its hydrogen fuel-cell-powered FCX Clarity, despite the slow take-up of hydrogen technology
In the US, a key market for hydrogen technology, the Obama administration has publically backed electric car technology and has consistently distanced itself from creating a hydrogen network.
In other key markets, including Britain, no hydrogen network currently exists.
Takashi Moriya, head of the Tokyo-based Honda group developing the technology, said: “Fuel-cell cars will become necessary. We’re positioning it [the FCX Clarity] as the ultimate zero-emission car.”
At present, Honda is the only major car manufacturer offering its fuel-cell vehicles to members of the public for leasing. GM and Toyota have also publically backed the adoption of hydrogen fuel-cell technology.
GM plans to launch a fuel-cell car by 2012, while Toyota president Akio Toyoda confirmed his company would bring a fuel-cell car to market within the next six years.
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