[Ismaning, 09 May 2012] Hanwha Solar, a global provider of photovoltaic (PV) solar solutions and flagship company of Korea’s top-10 business group Hanwha Group, is an official exhibitor at this year’s SolarExpo, opening today in Verona. Visitors of the exhibition are invited to learn more about the displayed high quality mono and poly crystalline modules, all provided with industry leading warranty terms. The portfolio of Hanwha Solar includes customized services such as financing options, and is laid out to serve all segments, from utility scale to residential projects.
Long-term strategy for Italy
Despite expected FIT reductions, Hanwha Solar sees a bright future for the PV market in Italy. “We’re absolutely confident that Italy will keep its position as an important and influential market in the PV industry, both near-term and in the future. We have conducted a thorough analysis to identify the needs of existing and future Italian partners, and are now investing heavily in our products, services, brand and people to implement our findings. Our presence in Italy is for the long-term, and this is reflected in our strategy and in our actions”, says Dong Kwan Kim, Chief Strategic Officer of Hanwha Solar. With the ambition to become a leading provider of solar solutions within this decade, the Hanwha Group is strongly committed to the development of its solar division. Further business areas of Hanwha Group include construction, manufacturing and finance.
Offering tailored products and services to Italian customers, and establishing a strong network of partners are top priorities to Alessio Palla, the new Sales Director Italy of Hanwha Solar. “The PV market is developing fast and we need to be flexible. The expected changes to the feed in tariffs will have great impact in the near future, and our strategy is laid out to support emerging needs in all segments” says Palla. ”However, our horizon does not end with the Conto Energia V, it goes far beyond trough grid parity.”
Hanwha Solar has PV modules deployed in a number of utility scale installations throughout Italy and extensive experience from working with EPCs and project developers. This will remain an important segment for Hanwha. “In addition to well-proven, high quality technology, we are offering financing services to selected projects, enabling further mutual benefits”, says Hanwha Solar’s Senior Director Sales West Europe, Stephan Ciniselli. In August last year, Hanwha Solar connected the first Hanwha-owned PV park to the grid close to Ferrara in Northern-Italy, acting as both module provider and equity investor.
Hanwha Solar is expecting a positive development for residential and small commercial projects in Italy during the coming years. To serve the needs of this segment even better, the company is preparing a new high efficiency product line for rooftop installations. The new product portfolio is to be launched at the Intersolar Europe exhibition in Germany in June.
Accessibility is another key to the Hanwha Solar strategy in Italy; a crucial aspect for products and services as well as for people. The Hanwha Solar Italy team is expanding fast to strengthen all functions from sales to technical support and marketing. The team is closely connected to and strongly supported by the European headquarter in Munich, as well as by the global headquarters in Shanghai and Seoul. Furthermore, Hanwha Solar is looking into options for further simplifying logistics; a solution is expected to be in place during the next quarter.
Hanwha Solar is Juventus official solar energy supplier and is celebrating the sponsorhip with a Hanwha Solar sponsor day at the upcoming Juventus–Atalanta match on Sunday May 13th. The Verona booth is also reflecting the sponsorship. “We invite all Verona SolarExpo participants to visit our booth where they have the chance to take home Juventus souvenirs” says Alessio Palla. “And we very much look forward to many interesting discussions about the future of the PV market in Italy. One thing is certain; Hanwha Solar will be a part of it.”
About Hanwha Solar
Hanwha Solar is a global provider of total solar energy solutions and a leading manufacturer of silicon ingots, wafers and photovoltaic cells and modules. As the flagship company of Korea’s Hanwha Group—a Fortune 500 company—Hanwha Solar offers value beyond its high-quality products by providing various value-added services such as joint-development, project funding and co-marketing. As a global solar energy solution provider, Hanwha Solar maintains a strong worldwide presence, with employees located throughout Europe, North America and Asia. It embraces environmental responsibility and sustainability, playing a major role in the voluntary photovoltaic recycling program and various community-development projects. Delivering top value to customers through fully-integrated solar solutions, Hanwha Solar’s overriding goal is to set new standards in innovation and value by redefining what it means to be a vertically integrated company. For more information, visitwww.hanwhasolar.com.
About Hanwha Group
Founded in 1952, Hanwha Group is a leading Korean business group with 56 domestic affiliates and 69 global networks in three major sectors of manufacturing/construction, finance and service/leisure. In 2011, Hanwha Group held assets of USD 87.7billion and total revenue of USD 31.6 billion.Putting strategic emphasis on renewable energies and global expansion, Hanwha Group has made successful advancements in solar energy, rechargeable batteries and biosimilars. Hanwha Group has also extended its global footprint in Europe, China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and the United States. For more information, visit www.hanwha.com.
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