First contract with UK NHS worth an estimated £1.7million over 15 year agreement.
EuroSite Power Inc., an On-Site Utility, offering clean electricity, heat, hot water and cooling solutions to hospitality, healthcare, housing and leisure centers in the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe, has announced that it has signed a contract worth an estimated £1.7 (US$2.72) million over the life of the contract to install and operate a combined heat and power (CHP) system to Clifton Hospital, UK.


Under the terms of the 15-year agreement with Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, EuroSite Power will install and operate a 100kW CHP system at the hospital, which will produce up to 1,745,283 kWh of total energy per annum, while saving up to 208 tonnes of CO2 – equivalent to taking 44 cars off the road each year. The contract brings EuroSite Power’s total electrical capacity 2,228 kW, and bookings to an estimated £40.3 (US$66) million.
Clifton Hospital is part of the Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and is situated on the Fylde Coast in St Annes, approximately 10 minutes’ drive from the M55 motorway. Built in 1988, the community hospital provides non-acute, rehabilitation and respite care for those with long-term conditions and has three 24-bed wards, two of which are mainly for orthopaedic rehabilitation and one for medical rehabilitation.
The contract is the first for EuroSite Power with the British NHS (National Health Service), a publicly-funded healthcare system with annual expenditure of approximately £127 billion.
Paul Hamblyn, Managing Director of EuroSite Power, said: “Healthcare in the UK is a massive opportunity for EuroSite Power and so we are very pleased to announce this contract. While increasing our revenue further, we will also be helping Clifton Hospital achieve substantial savings in terms of energy costs and CO2 footprint over the fifteen year term.”
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