The CHP plant would use sustainably sourced wood fuel primarily from overseas with the capacity to generate 120MW of low carbon renewable electricity and 30MW of heat. The equivalent of over 40% of the Fife Council area’s electricity needs could be met, with the additional benefit of the potential for a heat distribution network.
The plant would represent a capital investment of £325m. It would create approximately 300 construction jobs, peaking at 500 during parts of the build process; then around 70 operational jobs, running the plant and handling the fuel. It is forecast to deliver around £26m of annual economic benefit to the area.
The plant would demonstrate significant carbon savings over its operating life compared with fossil fuel alternatives. The wood fuel for the plant would be sourced from overseas and delivered by ship, the lowest carbon means of transportation for bulk goods. The plant’s location within the Port of Rosyth would allow the fuel to be discharged directly to the plant.
Forth Energy will now engage with the relevant authorities, including the Scottish Government and Fife Council, to examine the details of the consent granted.
Forth Energy Managing Director, Calum Wilson, said:
“We are delighted that the Scottish Government has approved our proposal for a renewable energy plant at Rosyth. We look forward to engaging with the Scottish Government, Fife Council and the local community.”
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