Stephen Munday, managing director of Clean Energy Installations, recently held discussions with Chandhry Abdul Majid, Prime Minister of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK), about solar photovoltaics (PV) strategy in the North-East region of Pakistan.

Munday’s meetings with senior AJK officials took place as severe energy shortages across Pakistan threaten to cripple the country’s economic development. Increasing diesel costs and recurring power outages are forcing people across the region to turn to sustainable technologies.

Whilst in Pakistan, Munday also met informally with the owners of Azad Textile Mills, the largest private sector employer in Kashmir, who were seeking advice regarding a 5MW solar PV installation.

Clean Energy Installations is an independent supplier and installer of solar PV panels to domestic and commercial clients. The company was established in 1997.

Munday believes the case for solar energy in AJK is compelling. “Ongoing development in the technology has brought the cost of solar PV modules right down,” he said, “Once a niche concept; they’re now the obvious choice. Unlike diesel generators, so ubiquitous in AJK, they don’t require endless supplies of expensive fuel, nor do they create pollution. They’re also quiet, which diesel generators definitely aren’t. With solar energy, people across AJK and the wider region wouldn’t have to limit themselves to consuming energy purely for the essentials. Solar PV offers a genuine improvement in their quality of life.”

According to the International Energy Agency, the global demand for energy will grow by approximately 60 per cent by 2030.

Heat pumps provided by Clean Energy Installations replace boilers and can supply homes with all the heating and hot water they need.

Clean Energy Installations recognises that construction and specialist contractor industries contribute to the environmental footprint of development projects. With this in mind, it mitigates the impact of its work through the three Rs – reduce, reuse and recycle.

The team at Clean Energy Installations comprises experienced and fully trained electricians, installers, roofers and project managers. The company has close links with manufacturers and suppliers and provides regular training for its staff. This keeps it at the forefront of advances in the solar industry and certified to install all types of systems to a wide variety of clients.

For more information, visit www.cleanenergyinstallations.co.uk, like on Facebook and follow on Twitter.   For media enquiries, please contact Emma De Maio, redheadPR, 07921 160 134, emma@redheadpr.co.uk.

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