Salt spray test according to DIN ISO 9227-NSS passed.
Centrosolar AG is one of the leading suppliers of photovoltaic systems in Europe and produces high-quality solar modules for every area of application. Now the company has had its S-Class series solar modules, manufactured in the Centrosolar Sonnenstromfabrik factory in Wismar/Germany, tested by an independent institute for corrosion resistance. The result of the complex salt spray test (SST): green light for long-term use near the coast.
The solar modules S-Class Excellent, S-Class Ultra and S-Class Professional by Centrosolar are durable, powerful and remain virtually non-corrosive – even during decades of use in areas with high salt content in the air.
This was the result the Institute for Corrosion Protection Dresden Ltd reached during the 60-day salt spray test according to DIN ISO 9227-NSS, which tested the modules under intensified conditions for consistent performance and corrosion resistance. The modules were subjected to constant stress in a closed, heavy saline test atmosphere. In addition, controlled abrasions at the frame before the start of the test simulated damage to the module frame during installation. At the end of the two-month test phase, the testers were unable to detect any corrosion on the laminates, photovoltaic cells, connecting boxes, connection components, or frames. The performance differences of the modules also remained below the measurement tolerance, both before and after the test. Along with the corrosion resistance, the test once more confirmed the quality of the patented nano-coating of the modules, which increases the power yield by 3-9%. All Centrosolar modules are coated with Antireflex glass by Centrosolar Glas GmbH & Co. KG.
The salt spray test carried out approximately corresponds to a real operating time of more than 20 years of an installed S-Class module.
About Centrosolar
Centrosolar AG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Centrosolar Group AG / Munich. The company is one of the leading suppliers and manufacturers of smaller photovoltaic systems for private households and of larger installations for industry roofs. The portfolio includes complete systems (off-grid, on-grid, as well as building-integrated PV systems), solar modules (crystalline and thin-film modules), inverters, mounting systems, and solar glass. The company has its own module production, certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2000, in Wismar/Germany, as well as a solar glass plant in Fürth/Germany. Over 1000 employees in various European countries and the USA generated revenue of EUR 309 million in 2009. Subsidiaries exist in Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the USA.
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