As promised to the public, the e-FiT online system went live at the stroke of midnight on 1st December 2011.
The feed-in tariff (Fit) is mandated under the Renewable Energy Act 2011 where the FiT is administered and monitored by Sustainable Energy DevelopmentAuthority Malaysia (SEDA Malaysia).
According to Pn Badriyah Abdul Malek, Chief Executive Officer of SEDA Malaysia, “when the e-FiT online system was released to public, the traffic to the servers was beyond what was anticipated during the stress test conducted
on the system. There were over 6,000 incoming traffic which flooded the gateway to our servers and our ICT team had to change the queuing logic for the server”. It was understood the turnaround time was 8 minutes and once the access is re-opened, the server was able to respond within an acceptable timeframe. “Whether the server was under DDOS attack or there were genuinely so many trying to access our server remains to be forensically
investigated by our ICT team”, said Pn Badriyah.
As of 2nd December, 10:00am, the outcome of the online applications submitted for renewable projects to be commissioned from 2012 to 2014 can be seen in the tables below: just put total
By Installed Capacity (MW) Total
Biomass/Solid Waste 113.5
Biogas/Landfill 14.18
Small hydro 63.56
Solar PV 143.78
Total 335.02
By Applications Total
Biomass/Solid Waste 9
Biogas/Landfill 10
Small hydro 9
Solar PV 201
Total 229
The gamma testing organized earlier in November 2011 showed solar photovoltaic (PV) applications made up 90 % of the total applications received. To date, 88 % of the applications received were from solar PV, which reflected closely the results of the gamma testing. “Not surprisingly, the quota for nonindividuals for solar PV was gone within the first two hours after midnight”, said Pn Badriyah. To date, there are still about 9 MW quota for solar PV left for the individuals. For the other renewable resources, the quota still available are 57.35 MW (biogas), 15.88 (biogas-landfill), 91.97 MW (biomass), 80 MW (biomass-solid waste), and 99.73 MW (small hydro) (2012 – 2014). At the end of each half year, SEDA Malaysia will review the unallocated RE quota and decide on how they could be utilized for the next half year. In addition, SEDA Malaysia will also continuously monitor the market price trend of these renewable resources so the FiT rates are adjusted to reflect current condition as provided under Section 18 of the Renewable Energy Act 2011.
To applicants who have successfully submitted their feed-in approval (FiA) applications, SEDA Malaysia will require 14 days for verification of submitted online documentary evidences, receive payment for the application fee (only applicable to those RE systems larger than 72 kW) and the submission of declaration form in compliance with legal requirement. SEDA Malaysia will issue a Feed-in Approval (FIA) certificate once the verification process and procedures are completed.
The e-Fit online system is accessible via All gazetted subsidiary legislations, standardized Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements (REPPAs), guidelines and FiA forms can also be downloaded from
SEDA’s official portal, SEDA Malaysia accepts manual submissions but the public is encouraged to use the e-FiT online system as the quota is allocated instantaneously upon acceptance of the application.
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