Leading renewable energy and infrastructure consultancy, Natural Power, has been appointed by NTR for the asset management of Teevurcher Wind Farm located in Co. Meath in the Republic of Ireland.
Natural Power successfully tendered for the asset management contract, and will be providing a full range of operational services to NTR including site management, as well as high voltage system management, commercial back office, advanced performance engineering (including operational reporting and analysis), safety and environmental compliance, backed up by 24/7 ‘Control Centre’ support.
The Teevurcher Wind Farm site is currently under construction with Natural Power providing project management, Owner’s Engineer, Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) and hydrological monitoring services. Works on site are progressing on programme, with three turbine foundations poured to date and internal fit-out of the control building ongoing.
Conor Sheehan, Head of Operations and Asset Management at Natural Power Ireland, said: “Our Operations and Asset Management team is delighted to continue Natural Power’s involvement with NTR and Teevurcher into the operational phase. This is the second NTR site in Ireland and forth overall which Natural Power are working with NTR to deliver a safe and efficient asset. The Natural Power construction team is working closely with NTR to deliver a quality asset, and to facilitate a smooth transition into operations. We very much look forward to working hard to manage and optimise performance of this asset on behalf of NTR in the coming years.”
Teevurcher is comprised of five Senvion MM82 turbines with a maximum installed capacity of 10.25MW, and will produce enough clean energy to meet the needs of around 7,500 homes.
Joe Dalton, Asset Management Director at NTR, said: “NTR is working closely with Natural Power during the construction of Teevurcher wind farm site, and we are delighted that this relationship will continue through to the operational phase of the project. Natural Power was selected to manage the site based on its track record and the comprehensive suite of operational services. We will work closely with the team on this project to safely transition to operations, and to optimise the wind farm’s performance over the coming years.”
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