Official unveiling of Yorkshire’s first commercial operation to inject bio-gas, made from local farming break-crops, into the gas network.
National Grid has successfully commissioned its first commercial biogas project, connecting biomass operators Future Biogas to the gas network in Yorkshire.


Biomethane, produced from locally-grown farming break-crops, including maize, grass and other biomass, is now being injected into the gas network in South Yorkshire at an £8 million plant near Doncaster.
Future Biogas Managing Director Philipp Lukas and National Grid’s Director of Network Strategy Jeremy Bending will officially unveil the, state-of-the-art facility at a ceremony on Tuesday (3 December).
Jeremy Bending said: “This first biogas connection is a great achievement. The success of this project is down to the extensive collaboration between staff at National Grid, Future Biogas, consultants and suppliers. The project also encompassed several engineering and commercial innovations.
“This project demonstrates our commitment to facilitating biogas connections to our network. We are aiming to connect 80 such projects over the next eight years. We will continue to work closely with our customers to ensure the delivery of this sustainable, renewable and safe source of gas for future generations.”
Future Biogas Managing Director Philipp Lukas said: “We are delighted to have delivered the first commercial biomethane plant with National Grid and look forward to building upon this successful partnership”
The state-of-the-art facility will ferment 35,000 tonnes of break-crops, sourced from local farmers, every year. The crops are fermented in an anaerobic digester to produce bio-gas, which is then processed by high-tech National Grid equipment before being injected into the gas network.
The plant, which began generating at the end of October, is the first biomethane plant to be built and operated by Future Biogas. It can inject up to 12,000 cubic metres of gas per day into the gas network – enough to heat from 2,500 homes in mid-winter to 40,000 homes in mid-summer.
The plant will also produce a valuable organic fertiliser that will be used by the local farming community.
National Grid is one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the world. We own and manage the grids that connect people to the energy they need, from whatever the source. In Britain and the north-eastern states of the US we run systems that deliver gas and electricity to millions of people, businesses and communities.
In Britain, we run the gas and electricity systems that our society is built on, delivering gas and electricity across the country. In the North Eastern US, we connect more than seven million gas and electric customers to vital energy sources, essential for our modern lifestyles.
National Grid in the UK:
We own the high-voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales, operating it across Great Britain
We own and operates the high pressure gas transmission system in Britain
Our gas distribution business delivers gas to 11 million homes and businesses
We also own a number of related businesses including LNG importation, land remediation and metering
National Grid manages the National Gas Emergency Service free phone line on behalf of the industry – 0800 111 999 (all calls are recorded and may be monitored).
Our portfolio of other businesses is mainly concerned with infrastructure provision and related services where we can exploit our core skills and assets to create value. These businesses operate in areas such as Metering, Grain LNG Import, Interconnectors and Property. National Grid Carbon Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of National Grid and it undertakes Carbon Capture Storage related activities on behalf of National Grid.
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