27-30 October 2012, AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong
Asia’s Leading Environmental Protection Fair
Eco Expo Asia, the region’s leading trade fair for environmental protection products, services and technologies is directly connected to enterprises and governments. Featuring comprehensive range of product categories, the exhibition has become the most effective and valuable platform for green business in Asia.
The show is co-organised by the Environment Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and supported by government authorities from the Chinese mainland as well as international consulates, trade comissions and industry associations, making it a professional and influential information exchange and business platform between business sectors and governments.
The show’s Hong Kong location ensures that it captures business opportunities in the fast-growing environmental markets of Asia, especially the Chinese mainland and in particular the neighbouring Pearl River Delta region.
Eco Expo Asia will feature thematic zones so companies exhibiting at the show can target their buyer groups. The exhibit categories include Energy efficiency and energy, Green building, Waste management and recycling, Eco-friendly product and Green transportation.
Asia’s tremendous needs in environmental products and solutions reflect huge market potentials
With governments in the region setting policies that support sustainable development and cleaner production, there are enormous opportunities for companies supplying green products, services and technologies to expand their networks in Asia.
Chinese mainland
The Chinese government regards the environmental protection market as a pillar industry in its 12th Five-Year Plan. Total investment in the sector is estimated over USD473 billion within the period. The market is expected to grow at an annual compound rate of 15-20%, with an industry output value of USD773 billion by 2015. Correspondingly, demand for eco products, services and technology is anticipated to rise sharply.
Hong Kong
The Hong Kong government has been actively promoting the domestic green agenda. These include a USD56.3 million funding scheme for building owners to conduct energy-cum-carbon audit, and enacting Building Energy Efficiency legislation this year so as to reduce the greenhouse gas emission by 19-33%. Another USD37.5 million funding scheme is launched to promote the use of electric vehicles. While the need to upgrade waste treatment mechanisms and increase recycling rate are creating a strong demand for waste management solutions and recycling technologies.
Fringe programme promotes networking and knowledge exchange
Eco Asia Conference
The Eco Asia Conference held during the show promotes the sharing of market news and industry developments, and technology exchange. Featuring industry experts and academics from around the world, it’s the ideal forum to establish strategic business contacts.
Business Matching Service
To enhance the level of business achieved onsite, the show will include a business-matching programme. Exhibitors and buyers will be able to establish business contacts in the most efficient and effective way.
Reserve your space now!
Join Asia’s leading trade fair for environmental protection products, services and technologies by booking a booth at Eco Expo Asia today!
For more information please visit: Eco Expo 2012
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