The world is searching for higher energy sites for solar and wind power systems. Bourne Energy has found another way – find a potential energy site where it can harness more than one of the established renewable energies using its new solar-hydro hybrid generator
The world is searching for higher energy sites for solar and wind power systems. Large solar farms are being built in remote desert areas, while investment in wind power is moving to offshore platforms. Bourne Energy, the developer of river, tidal and ocean power systems, takes a different approach – find a potential energy site that has more than one type of renewable energy and capture both with one device. Bourne has developed a solar-hydro hybrid generator for that purpose.
The potential for this approach is significant. There are many regions of the world that not only have high solar power potential but also hydropower potential on the same site. Potential solar-hydro sites abound in rivers, canals, and aqueducts in countries like China, India, Southeast Asia, South America, Africa and the United States. This is a unique opportunity for those searching for high density, zero-fuel, zero carbon power with low visibility and high capacity factors.
Bourne Energy has targeted this opportunity by developing a new device, the RiverStar Solar-Hydro (RS-SRH) hybrid power generator. It combines its recently field tested RiverStar-BPP hydrokinetic generator with one or more solar panels. The submerged hydrokinetic unit produces power 24/7 boosted by the surface solar panel output during the day. A larger triangular configuration composed of three interconnected RS-SRH units produces 1.8 kWh from the hydro side boosted by 8 solar panels producing 800Wh during daylight hours. Another version, modified for tidal sites, is designed for islands and coastal areas in the Caribbean, Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
The RS-SRH also improves the performance of the solar unit in three ways. The device eliminates the need for the foundation and supporting structure for the solar panel which can cost up to 40% of an average solar PV installation. The unit also incorporates a built-in spray down unit which keeps the panels clean from dust and dirt that can cut panel power output up to 30%. And it provides a heat sink to keep the solar panels from overheating which can also reduce power output significantly. Overall the hybrid power unit maximizes the amount of energy harnessed/area reducing cost/kW and increasing the overall capitalization utility rate of the combined system.
The RS-SRH brings a new clean power option to many parts of the world while upgrading energy density and operating time per day. And all while keeping construction and transmission costs to a minimum.
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