ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has delivered and commissioned key components to integrate renewable energy from Amcorp Power Sdn Bhd’s Gemas 10.25 Megawatt (MW) Solar Power Plant into Malaysia’s electric grid as the country seeks to intensify its reliance on emission-free energy sources.
ABB delivered high-efficiency TRIO solar inverters, the ‘brains’ behind a photovoltaic system, to convert direct current (DC) electricity generated by the solar modules into alternating current (AC) with 98.3 percent efficiency. The TRIO inverters are fully enclosed and have no moving parts such as cooling fans, so they require no maintenance or spare parts.
Gemas also uses ABB’s Plant Portfolio Manager, which provides a highly interactive dashboard with real-time remote performance monitoring over computer networks or even mobile devices for better, faster PV plant management
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