A recent analysis by Bonn-based market and economic research company EuPD Research on photovoltaic saturation levels in the small-scale system segment shows that the potentials, especially in eastern Germany, are still largely unexploited. While saturation levels of more than 50% are reached in some counties in the south of Germany, the districts in the eastern states are far behind.
Bonn. The saturation levels in the small system segment (up to 10 kWp) vary widely within Germany. The comparison on a federal state level illustrates said discrepancies. While the saturation levels in Baden-Wurttemberg is 18%, Bavaria reaches 15%, followed by Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate, each with about 11%. In eastern Germany, the highest saturation level can be seen in Berlin with merely 8%, closely followed by Brandenburg and Thuringia, each with about 6%. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony, however, the saturation levels are below 5%. The saturation levels were calculated on the basis of installed photovoltaic systems up to 10 kWp by the end of 2018 and suitable roof areas.
“The analysis clearly shows that the eastern German states need to catch up. However, not only the customers are in demand, but it is essential that utilities, for example, as the main point of contact for photovoltaic systems offer a corresponding portfolio “, states Dr. Martin Ammon, Head of Energy Economics at EuPD Research.
As part of the study “Utilities in the Energy Transition 2018” EuPD Research examined the portfolios of about 1,300 utilities in Germany. When looking at the offer of photovoltaic systems for private customers, it becomes apparent that the availability is very high, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia. In Bavaria, on the other hand, one would expect a variety of products due to the high installed PV capacity, but only 15% of the energy suppliers offer photovoltaics for private customers. The explanatory approaches here are the high level of competition in this market and the already achieved saturation levels in the household segment. In Saxony and Thuringia photovoltaic is very rare in the energy suppliers’ portfolios. Only 9% of the local utilities offer corresponding products for private customers. This leads to the conclusion that energy suppliers in the eastern German states are still leaving potential unexploited in the residential photovoltaic system segment.
In 2019, EuPD Research again will analyze the portfolios of the utilities. This way, it can be determined whether and to what extent utilities have reacted to the current market developments and if they have developed their product portfolio accordingly. You can enquire about the results of the analysis “Utilities in the energy transition 2018” by contacting Senior Consultant Saif Islam (islam(at)energiewende-award.de).